
System Requirements#

  • python 3.7+

Dependencies for C and Linux:

Dependencies for deploying in Linux:

Install system dependencies#

Install the C dependencies:

sudo apt -y install --no-install-recommends \
  git mercurial make cmake ninja-build \
  gcc musl musl-dev musl-tools clang \
  python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools \
  python3-tk python3-wheel python3-venv \
  libjansson-dev libpcre2-dev perl dos2unix liburing-dev \
  kconfig-frontends telnet pipx 

pipx install kconfiglib
Why these dependencies?
  libjansson-dev          # required for libjwt
  libpcre2-dev            # required by openresty
  perl dos2unix mercurial # required by openresty
  pipx kconfiglib         # used by yunetas, configuration tool
  kconfig-frontends       # used by yunetas, other configuration tool
  telnet                  # required by tests

Install yunetas#

Install pipx

pipx is used to install Python CLI applications globally while still isolating them in virtual environments.

On Linux:

  • Ubuntu 23.04 or above:

    sudo apt install pipx
    pipx ensurepath
  • Ubuntu 22.04 or below

    python3 -m pip install --user pipx
    python3 -m pipx ensurepath

Install yunetas

  • pipx install yunetas

Update or uninstall yunetas

Click to see
  • Update yunetas:

    pipx upgrade yunetas
  • Uninstall yunetas:

    pipx uninstall yunetas

Steps to install and create a virtual environment:

  • Install conda:

    mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
    wget -O ~/miniconda3/
    bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
    rm -rf ~/miniconda3/
    ~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash
  • Now you must close and re-open your current shell:

    exit # exit and RE-open bash to continue !!
  • Add conda-forge channel:

    conda config --add channels conda-forge
  • Create the virtual environment conda_yunetas and activate:

    conda create -y -n conda_yunetas pip
    conda config --set auto_activate_base false
    echo 'conda activate conda_yunetas' >> ~/.bashrc
    echo '' >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc

Install yunetas

pip install yunetas


Clone Yunetas with submodules:

Build your own project directory:

mkdir ~/yunetaprojects 
cd ~/yunetaprojects

Get the current version of yunetas:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Or Get some version of yunetas:

git clone -b <version> --recurse-submodules <version>

Activating yunetas#

Go to the yunetas directory in your project and activate:

cd ~/yunetaprojects/yunetas

Configure .bashrc#

Next times, to activate yunetas environment, (you can add these lines to ~/.bashrc :

# edit: "vim ~/.bashrc" and add next lines: 
cd ~/yunetaprojects/yunetas

Configure .yunetasrc#

The script source also sources the file


where you can place your own scripts.

Install dependencies#

Firstly, install yuneta dependencies:

Goto linux-ext-libs directory:

cd ~/yunetaprojects/yunetas/kernel/c/linux-ext-libs/

Extract, compile and install:


Compile Yunetas#

Configuring (Kconfig)#

Configuration options are defined in Kconfig file. The output from Kconfig is a header file yuneta_config.h with macros that can be tested at build time.

Goto yunetas directory:

cd ~/yunetaprojects/yunetas

Use this utility to edit the Kconfig file:


⚠️ Warning: Save the configuration, otherwise the compilation will fail, the .config file is required.

Compiling and Installing Yunetas#

To build and install yunetas:

yunetas init-debug # or init-prod
yunetas build


To test:

yunetas test

By default, the installation directory of include files, libraries and binaries will be in /yuneta/development/outputs/