Yuneta Directories

Yuneta Directories#

The Yuneta SDK is structured into the following top folders:

  • docs: Documentation of Yuneta.

  • kernel: Kernel in several languages.

  • modules: Modules in several languages.

  • performance: Performance tests.

  • tests: Tests.

  • tools: Compilation or building tools.

  • utils: Utilities for Yuneta.

  • yunos: Yunos supplied by the SDK.



The core framework of Yuneta, implemented in multiple languages.

  • C:

    • gobj-c: G-Objects, implementation of classes and objects based on a simple Finite State Machine, attributes based on JSON, a comprehensive table of class methods, and an API to facilitate communication between objects through events, with an integrated publish/subscribe pattern.

    • linux-ext-libs: External libraries used by c/root-linux. These are statically compiled and self-contained.

    • root-esp32: Kernel for the ESP32 microcontroller based on esp-idf. List of components ordered by dependency (bottom = higher dependency):

        - esp_jansson
        - esp_gobj          (depends on esp_jansson)
        - esp_yuneta        (depends on esp_gobj)
        - esp_c_prot        (depends on esp_yuneta)

      It is only necessary to include the component with the highest dependency.

    • root-linux: Kernel for Linux systems.

    • timeranger2: Timeranger2, a time-series key-value database using flat files.

    • yev_loop: Library for asynchronous input/output, built on io_uring.

    • ytls: TLS library to manage encryption using multiple backends, such as OpenSSL and mbedTLS.

  • JS:

    • gobj-js: Kernel implementation for JavaScript.


Contains additional protocol and functionality modules.

  • C:

    • c_prot: Module with several communication protocols.


Performance testing utilities for key Yuneta components.

  • C:

    • perf_c_tcp: Performance test of TCP-based gobjs.

    • perf_c_tcps: Performance test of TCP gobjs with encryption.

    • perf_yev_ping_pong: Performance test of the yev_loop library.

    • perf_yev_ping_pong2: Additional performance tests for the yev_loop library.


Tests for Yuneta components.

  • C: C tests are created using CMake and include:

    • c_tcp

    • c_tcps

    • c_timer

    • c_timer0

    • timeranger2

    • tr_msg

    • tr_treedb

    • yev_loop


Auxiliary tools for building and compiling Yuneta projects.

  • cmake:

    • Contains reusable CMake files and configurations.


Utility scripts and CLI tools for Yuneta.

  • C:

    • fs_watcher: Monitors filesystem changes.

    • inotify: Tracks file events using inotify.

    • tr2keys: Processes keys in Timeranger2.

    • tr2list: Lists entries in Timeranger2.

    • tr2migrate: Migrates data between Timeranger2 instances.


Pre-supplied full applications or utilities built with Yuneta.

  • gui_yunetas.js: Graphical User Interface (GUI) for managing Yuneta.

  • Text-based User Interface (TUI) for managing Yuneta.